Teater Viva tilbyder workshops i teater, stemmearbejde, tekst, historiefortælling, improvisation

og installatorisk tværkunstnerisk arbejde med teater, musik, rum, bevægelse, publikums-

involverende aktiviteter og dialog mellem kunstarter.

Vi arbejder med børn, unge og voksne.


The landscape is a body. My body is a landscape.


In relation to the project Singing Our Place Teater Viva  offers a workshop

for adults and youthand children in connection with the performance and installation.


The workshop invites participants to express their experience of the relationship between nature and man,

and the movements of nature in the form of creation, destruction and transformation.

We explore the resonance between our own bodies and the bodies of the landscapes around us.

We sing, play and create narratives, texts and songs in dialogue with specific locations and natural elements.

We create music with our bodies, voices, the stones, wind, water and the ground.

We make audio and voice portraits from our experiences of nature around us.


The different expressions from the workshop participants are eventually recorded electronically

and are used for audio and/or staged as physical tableaux,

which will be part of an exchange between work and guests.