Earthsong - an installation with video, sound, text, sculpture.
Earthsong was selected to the censored exhibition in Rebild:
Art and Climate, Nordic Expression 2019.
Earthsong er en sanselig refleksion over forholdet mellem menneske og natur;
måske er adskillelsen ikke så klar som vi tror.
Måske er er vores individuelle menneskelige liv et mikrokosmos af helheden,
måske foregår klimaforandringer og økologisk transformation i din krop, lige nu.
Earthsong undersøger forbindelser; mellem kroppen og jorden,
mellem dyret og mennesket, mellem lyd og liv.
Vi undersøger mulighederne for ny skabelse i det knuste og krakelerede,
i overgivelsen til langsomhed og uvished, i overgivelsen til at turde ruge på det nye liv og lytte.
Earthsong is a sensuous reflection on the relationship between humanity and nature;
perhaps the separation is not as clear as we think.
Maybe our individual human life is a microcosm of the whole,
maybe climate change and ecological transformation are taking place in your body, right now.
Earthsong investigates connections; between the body and the earth,
between the animal and the human, between sound and life.
We explore the possibilities of new creation in the broken and crackled,
in the surrender to slowness and uncertainty,
in the surrender to dare to brood on the new life and listen.
Artists: Katrine Faber and Malene Pedersen, Det Perifere Selskab.